In early March 2021, “Uncle T” (Home of David & Faith founder and director) was gracious enough to grant NHF full and free access to physical space on site. The room was being used as a makeshift storage room for old furniture and other miscellaneous items. Uncle T suggested that we consider turning the space into our first office. We were loved the idea and agreed. But the plan soon changed…
We put together some ideas we had, and immediately tapped our amazing partners at The Fijan Design Studio for help turning our dream into a reality. The Fijan dream team worked day in and day out to completely re-wire, re-plumb, re-paint and custom furnish the given space.
On April 24, 2021, we proudly opened the doors to THE DOROTHY & ROSE CARE CENTER – NHF’s first onsite mini-clinic named in honor of two amazing women who worked hard, loved and lived their entire lives for the betterment of family, of friends and of community.
This health and happiness space will be used to not only house medical supplies but it will also give our network of volunteer nurses and doctors a dedicated and well-equipped space to provide much needed promotive, preventative and curative care to the wonderful children and staff at the Home of David and Faith .
The NHF Ambassadors in Residence is a unique program in which 5 individuals residing and/or working at the Home of David and Faith are appointed to serve as official liaisons between NHF and the community.
Our Ambassadors are entrusted with the responsibility of advocating and communicating the interests and needs of the children, while also assisting with the deployment of NHF programs at their home.
In exchange, ambassadors are given:
Program goals include empowering our young with voices and votes that count, molding mindsets into stakeholder mentalities, and creating pipelines for future leadership needs.
Created by our Youth Engagement and Advocacy team, our pen pal program is designed to keep our children socially connected to the community while honoring safe social distancing restrictions. Children at the home are paired with NHF leaders and volunteers who check-in and send notes of encouragement to the children.